Posts in Activity
How kids can stay active this Christmas

There are lots of outdoor (and indoor) activities you can do to keep your children moving this Christmas and ensure they get their minimum-recommended 60 minutes of daily activity, and what’s more – you can get the whole family involved too!

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Children’s mental health and wellbeing tips

Children’s mental health is only now starting to get the mainstream attention it deserves, despite the fact that 75% of mental health problems are established by the time someone turns 18. We all have mental health, just as we all have physical health, but unfortunately there is a stigma surrounding it that prevents many of us from talking about it.

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5 top tips to improve health and fitness for kids

Finding time to exercise in our busy lifestyles can be challenging, but with schools heading back this week it’s the perfect time to start a new routine to improve health and fitness for kids. With this in mind, we’ve put together some easy and cost-effective ways to help get your family active this September.

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