Posts tagged children's fitness
5 top tips to improve health and fitness for kids

Finding time to exercise in our busy lifestyles can be challenging, but with schools heading back this week it’s the perfect time to start a new routine to improve health and fitness for kids. With this in mind, we’ve put together some easy and cost-effective ways to help get your family active this September.

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What is Learn Happie?

Learn Happie has one aim:

To make children happier, healthier and more productive.

Almost every day a news story is published about how children are not getting enough exercise, not eating enough of the right foods or are struggling with anxiety and other mental health problems.

Research shows that these issues are connected and can be solved by looking at them together in a holistic way.

Stay up to date with our useful content for parents and news about our schools programme by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn @LearnHappie

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