We're Learn Happie, a child health and wellbeing programme for primary schools in Hampshire, bringing together sports, mental health and nutrition. Call our team on 01329 281 849.



Our Schools Programme


Do Happie, Eat Happie, Feel Happie!

The links between activity, nutrition and mental health are extremely strong and beyond the benefits of making children happier and healthier it has also been shown that by focusing on these aspects of health schools can actually improve attainment results, rates of illness and behavioural problems.

Our programme covers three aspects of health and well being in a structured way that will fit into your school day with minimal disruption.

The programme can be split into as many weeks as is suitable to fit into your school schedule but for full effectiveness we recommend that the programme last for three weeks with an emphasis on each aspect of health each week. We also encourage schools to embrace each subject within other school activities to reinforce the learning points we bring and give the children a chance to reflect on what they have learned.


Week 1: Do Happie

The first week of our Learn Happie programme introduces safe, fun and worthwhile sport and activities to schools which will help you achieve your obligations under the health agenda. We also summarise how exercise and being active ties in to you general health and positive mental wellbeing.

The Do Happie week includes:

All school assembly on activity.

Year 1/2 - 60 minute activity workshop on the importance of activity.

Year 3/4 - 60 minute activity workshop on the importance of activity.

Year 5/6 - 60 minute activity workshop on the importance of activity.


Week 2: Eat Happie

The second week of our Learn Happie programme provides fun and creative workshops and activities to teach kids the basics of nutrition and help them make smart choices when it comes to food. We also summarise how what you eat not only affects your health but your energy and activity levels and your mental wellbeing.

The Eat Happie week includes:

All school assembly on healthy eating.

Year 1/2 - 60 minute activity workshop on the importance of healthy eating.

Year 3/4 - 60 minute activity workshop on the importance of healthy eating.

Year 5/6 - 60 minute activity workshop on the importance of healthy eating.


Week 3: Feel happie

The final week of the Learn Happie programme involves workshops and assemblies which teach children what anxiety and stress are, how it makes them feel and what they can do about it. We also summarise how what you do (activity) and what you eat (nutrition) can affect how you feel.

The Feel Happie week includes:

All school assembly on mental health awareness.

Year 1/2 - 60 minute activity workshop on mental health.

Year 3/4 - 60 minute activity workshop on mental health.

Year 5/6 - 60 minute activity workshop on mental health.


Contact us

If you are affiliated with a school or a parent or guardian and would like more information on how we can help your school, we’d love to hear from you! Get in touch today!

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