5 top tips to improve health and fitness for kids

Is your child getting at least 60 minutes of exercise a day? To stay healthy or to improve health, young people need to do 3 types of physical activity each week. This includes aerobic exercise, exercises to strengthen their bones and exercises to strengthen their muscles.

Finding time to exercise in our busy lifestyles can be challenging, but with schools heading back this week it’s the perfect time to start a new routine to improve health and fitness for kids. With this in mind, we’ve put together some easy and cost-effective ways to help get your family active this September:                                                                                

1.      Get walking or cycling to school

It doesn’t have to be every day, but if your child can walk or cycle to school, they will get many of the physical and mental benefits from being active. You could also organise walking or cycling groups with other parents. It’s also very beneficial to the environment as you’ll reduce your carbon footprint and CO2 emissions by driving less.

Have you heard about Bike to School Week? It’s taking place 23rd-27th September across the country! Ask your school about how to get involved and for access to resources to help you cycle safely in your neighbourhood.

2.      Plan an activity every weekend

After a busy week, sometimes all you want to do at the weekend is sit back, relax and unwind. Instead, try to minimise screen time and dedicate some time each weekend for doing something fun and active for the whole family, such as a bike ride, a healthy picnic, swimming or even bowling. You can also take part in group activities such as child-friendly fitness classes, yoga and local Park Runs.

3.      Sign up to a sports club

Most schools offer before and after school sports clubs, which can also be convenient for parents who can’t make school drop-off or pick-up times. Local leisure centres also organise a wide range of activities including swimming clubs, martial arts, badminton, gymnastics and lots more. Encourage your child to try a variety of activities, and when they find something they enjoy, continue to support them in pursuing their activity and they will reap the physical, social and mental benefits.

4.      Be an active role model

Kids are forever trying to copy behaviour; therefore, if they see you enjoying and participating in something active, they are more likely to try something active for themselves. Whether you attend a running club, go to the gym or follow a home fitness video, your kids will see the value of fitness in your life. Present fitness and physical activity as being positive and beneficial to your health and body instead of a chore.

5.      Make chores fun

Chores don’t have to be boring! Encourage your kids to help with tasks such as folding laundry, pulling weeds from the garden or putting toys away. Make it fun by playing music, dancing or turning it into a race to see who can do it the fastest.  

Remember, as a parent or guardian, encouraging, praising and rewarding your child’s physical activity and involvement in extracurricular sports or hobbies will positively benefit their overall wellbeing and state-of-mind in addition to promoting healthy growth and development, particularly in younger children.

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