Healthy food tips for families with children

The start of a new year is a common time to set goals for the year ahead and quite often one or more of these is around adopting healthier habits, such as to eat better or exercise more. Following our healthy food tips for families with children will help create a healthier and happier lifestyle for everyone.

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How kids can stay active this Christmas

There are lots of outdoor (and indoor) activities you can do to keep your children moving this Christmas and ensure they get their minimum-recommended 60 minutes of daily activity, and what’s more – you can get the whole family involved too!

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Guidance for parents, guardians & teachers to help prevent bullying

Unfortunately, bullying during childhood is incredibly common. And, surprisingly, it is not uncommon for a child to be both a victim and perpetrator of bullying behaviour.

But as parents, guardians and teachers, fortunately, there are some tried-and-tested measures we can all take around bullying to help improve the well-being and emotional state of kids in our care. Read on to find out more.

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