We're Learn Happie, a child health and wellbeing programme for primary schools in Hampshire, bringing together sports, mental health and nutrition. Call our team on 01329 281 849.


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Do Happie

School sport and activity is the bedrock of our programme

The health agenda requires all primary aged children to complete at least 2 hours of organised sports each week. Additionally all children should be physically active for at least 1 hour a day. However, this should be regarded as the minimum requirement.


Research from Public Health England shows that less than 25% of children are hitting these targets.

Our programme introduces safe, fun and worthwhile sport and activities to schools which will help you achieve your obligations under the health agenda. The benefits of getting children moving are endless but at ultimately it will:

  • Build Confidence and Social Skills

  • Develop Co-ordination

  • Improve Concentration & Learning

  • Strengthen Muscles and Bones

  • Improve Health and Fitness

  • Maintain Healthy Weight

  • Improve Sleep

  • Makes You Feel Good

When combined with the nutrition and mental health aspects of our programme we can make the children in your school healthier, happier and more productive.

Our Process




We conduct a review of your current sports provision, including taking metrics on how much activity children are doing on a daily basis.


We suggest changes you can make that fit in with your school day in order to improve activity levels and boost pupils performance inside and outside the classroom.



Long term we can provide ongoing support to your school including providing sports activity sessions on a weekly basis as well as help with external sports events such as regional competitions and matches.

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Contact us

If you are affiliated with a school or a parent or guardian and would like more information on how we can help your school, we’d love to hear from you! Get in touch today!

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